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How can I turn off Windows startup sound without with neither GUI nor admin rights?

On my Windows 11 computer I'd like adjust a few settings programtically (hidden). Basically it should be performed without elevated rights, so standard users can use it too. By the way, it's my own idea, no office work.

Currently I try to turn off the standard startup sound in mmsys.cpl -> Sounds. Though its a global settings for all users, from within the GUI its easy to do (simply unchecking the box) and doesn't need elevated rights. Strange, but seems like intended by Microsoft. But I have to do it without any GUI. There are several posts online how to change it in registry (under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\BootAnimation "DisableStartupSound") but all of them require administrator rights.

Assuming unchecking in GUI pass a specific command that triggers the registry key to be changed, I would like to know that command. Workarounds are welcome - as long they doesn't need admin rights or cause a GUI to get open. Scripts like batch, vbs or powershell are as good as an executable.

Does anyone have an idea?

Writing to HKLM does require elevated rights.

The Settings app is either using UAC auto elevation (only for Microsoft apps) or asking a service to change the registry on its behalf. Process Monitor should be able to tell you which process is writing...

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