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Why Qwt extension does not work in Qt Visual Studio?

Im currently woking in Visual Studio 2022 with Qt extension with MSVC 2019 Qt version 5.12.2 x64. I succesfully executed qmake in Qt Creator 6.4.0 and obtained build (msvc2019 x64) release folder. Then I ran nmake and nmake install which got me Qwt-6.2.0 folder in my C drive with doc,features,include,lib and plugins folders. I also added qwt_designer_plugin.dll to plugins designer. After that I tried to add qwtPlot in Qt designer but when I ran programme I get this error message:

Error message


I tried to add libs and include files via project properties but nothing worked at all. Any suggestions please?

I figure it out myself. Note that Qt (as least up to the 5 releases) have a consistent naming of their files, modules and libraries: With or without a d suffix. If a DLL have ad suffix (like Qt5Cored.dll) then it's a library for debug builds, make sure you build with the debug libraries for your debug build.

So you just add qwtd.lib for debug and qwt.lib for release in Additional Dependencies.

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