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How to resolve this issue in CakePHP controller

Please, can someone help me out and tell me what is wrong with my CakePHP app registeri controller method code on GitHub? https://github.com/olaolu20077/jobtest.git I'm having an issue with form submission on it, because I'm not getting redirected to homepage and no flash success message coming up on form submission. Thank you.

I added flash ->render()?> To my layout and debug ($user75z->get error(); exit; to the upper part of the flash error message in the controller, yet got no solution to the form submission.

Can you try to do dd{$user75z) before saving it? See if you get any errors from it, maybe also consider renaming your variables. This makes the code less messy.

EDIT: I see you also use the same lines of code in almost every controller method, maybe try putting these in the entity or table?

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