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Can't redirect back to my app amplify signInWithWebUI

I'm trying to implement AWS sign in with web UI on my app, followed the documentation and it's working fine but I can't redirect back to my app after sign in.

In my amplifyconfiguration.json:

"Auth": {
                "Default": {
                    "OAuth": {
                        "WebDomain": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                        "AppClientId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                        "SignInRedirectURI": "http://localhost:3000/",
                        "SignOutRedirectURI": "http://localhost:3000/",
                        "responseType": "code",
                        "Scopes": [
                    "authenticationFlowType": "USER_SRP_AUTH"

When I change "SignInRedirectURI": "http://localhost:3000/" to "SignInRedirectURI": "myapp//" instead of the login page it shows this error:


Am I missing something?

You have to pull the amplify auth again or make changes in your awsconfiguration.json and amplifyconfiguration.json file to change the redirect URL.

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