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html output based on two other output

the strength will be determined by (=g) and soil type.


my current code:

                    SPT Blow Count:
                <input type="text" id="spt1" name="spt" min="0" placeholder="a" required=""/>
                <input type="text" id="spt2" name="spt" min="0" placeholder="b" required=""/>
                <input onblur="findTotal()" type="text" id="spt3" name="spt" min="0" placeholder="c" required=""/>
                <input onblur="findTotal()" type="text" id="spt4" name="spt" min="0" placeholder="d" required=""/>
                <input onblur="findTotal()" type="text" id="spt5" name="spt" min="0" placeholder="e" required=""/>
                <input onblur="findTotal()" type="text" id="spt6" name="spt" min="0" placeholder="f" required=""/>
                <input type="text" id="nvalue" name="nvalue" min="0" max="50 "placeholder="g" required=""/>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                function findTotal(){
                    var arr = document.getElementsByName('spt');
                    var tot=0;
                    for(var i=2;i<arr.length;i++){
                            tot += parseInt(arr[i].value);
                    document.getElementById('nvalue').value = tot;

<p id="soil_strength"></p>
                    <input type="text" id="" name="" placeholder="Strength"/>
                    <select name="soil_type" id="soil_type">
                        <option value="" disabled selected hidden>Type</option>
                        <option value="">CLAY</option>
                        <option value="">SILT</option>
                        <option value="">SAND</option>
                        <option value="">GRAVEL</option>

soil type: Clay/Silt - Cohesive

Sand Gravel - Non-Cohesive

desired outcome example:

If soil type is cohesive and g >=30, then the strength will display HARD If soil type is non-cohesive and g >=50, then strength will be very dense


In your findTotal function, you are looping over an array starting at index 2. The problem is that in your example code, you only have two elements with a name of "spt". This means the array length is 2. Therefore you are skipping all the elements of the array.

You need to set the initializing variable ( i ) to zero, because currently you are starting the loop at the end of the array.

The fix would be:

for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){

Read more about for loops in JavaScript here (especially understand what each expression in a for loop does): https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_loop_for.asp

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