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how to update nested array of object in mongodb

Here is my db collection in mongoDB. I am using mongoose to update the data inside the comments array

        "author": {
            "email": "user@example.com",
            "userName": "John"
        "_id": "63bc20741475b40323d6259f",
        "title": "this is blog",
        "description": "description",
        "blogBanner": "https://github.com//routers/userRouter.js",
        "views": "0",
        "comments": [
                "userId": "63b919840ae5303938fb1c17",
                "comment": "first comment",
                "_id": "_id:63bbdbdb7018eabb752c0e58
                "userId": "63b919840ae5303938fb1c17",
                "comment": "second comment",
                "_id": "63bbdbdb7018eabb752ce55"
        "reaction": [
                "userEmail": "gias@gmail.com",
                "react": "love"
        "date": "2023-01-09T14:09:32.810Z",
        "__v": 0

here i want to update the first comment by using comment._id: 63bbdbdb7018eabb752c0e58

how can i update the single comment by using comment._id ;

use-case: when user want to update his/her comment by using comment._id

here i want to update the first comment by using comment._id: 63bbdbdb7018eabb752c0e58

how can i update the single comment by using comment._id ;

use-case: when user want to update his/her comment by using comment._id

Please, read the following docs: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/positional/#update-documents-in-an-array

 '_id': '63bc20741475b40323d6259f',
  { $set: { "comments.$.comment" : 'Edited Text' } }

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