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i18next is not using the correct language in Vue project

I have a file called i18n.js and am trying to setup localization in my Vue + Vite app. It's working in the sense that a translation is taking place, but it appears that my setup is wrong based on what I am seeing in the console log.

So my browser culture is English (United States) so the code is en-US . I have a locales located here src/locales/ with the locales files having names like this:


The problem is that the translation file that is getting used is en-CA instead of en-US . This is the code:

import i18next from 'i18next'
import I18NextVue from 'i18next-vue'
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector'
import i18nextXHRBackend from 'i18next-xhr-backend'

async function loadLocales (url, options, callback, data) {
  try {
    const theUrlPath = './locales/' + url + '.json'
    const waitForLocale = await import(theUrlPath);

    callback(waitForLocale, { status: '200' })
  } catch (e) {
    callback(null, { status: '404' })

    detection: {
      caches: false
    fallbackLng: {
      'in-ID': ['id-ID', 'id', 'en-US'],
      'zh-TW': ['zh-CN', 'zh', 'en-US'],
      'zh-HK': ['zh-CN', 'zh', 'en-US'],
      'zh-CN': ['zh-TW', 'zh', 'en-US'],
      'en-AT': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-AU': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-CA': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-IN': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-IE': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-IT': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-NL': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-PH': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      'en-CH': ['en-GB', 'en-US'],
      cs: ['cs-CZ', 'en-US'],
      de: ['de-DE', 'en-US'],
      es: ['es-ES', 'en-US'],
      fr: ['fr-FR', 'en-US'],
      id: ['id-ID', 'en-US'],
      in: ['id-ID', 'id', 'en-US'],
      it: ['it-IT', 'en-US'],
      ja: ['ja-JA', 'en-US'],
      ko: ['ko-KR', 'en-US'],
      nl: ['nl-NL', 'en-US'],
      pt: ['pt-BR', 'en-US'],
      ru: ['ru-RU', 'en-US'],
      sk: ['sk-SK', 'en-US'],
      zh: ['zh-CN', 'en-US'],
      default: ['en-US']
    interpolation: { escapeValue: false },
    whitelist: [
    backend: {
      loadPath: '{{lng}}',
      parse: (data) => data,
      ajax: loadLocales
    saveMissing: true,
    saveMissingTo: 'all',
    missingKeyHandler: (lng, ns, key, fallbackValue) => {
      console.log('missing locale key', lng, ns, key, fallbackValue)
    missingInterpolationHandler: (text, value) => {
      console.log('missing locale interpolation', text, value)

export default function (app) {
  app.use(I18NextVue, { i18next })
  return app

Also, on the line that says console.log(theUrlPath) , for some reason, this prints out:


So this brings up a few questions:

  1. Why is it printing all of these? I would think that once a translation has been found (which it is, because the translation for en-CA is showing in my app), then there wouldnt be a need to run that function again.
  2. Why is en-CA first since my browser culture is set to en-US?
  3. Where is en.json coming from? I don't have a file named that and en is not a fallback language for any of the other languages.

Please help clarify this for me. Googling has gotten me no where.

Turns out there was somehow a culture that was saved in my local storage and i18next was using that so just had to clear me local storage and it worked.

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