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No endpoint mapping found for [SaajSoapMessage {http://com.springbootsoap.allapis}addProductRequest]

I have been having issues trying to get endpoint mapping to work for my web service. I am using Tomcat to host my web service and I am using soapUI to send test messages to it. 


public class ProductEndpoint {
    private static final String NAMESPACE_URL="http://com.springbootsoap.allapis";
    ProductService productService;
    @PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URL, localPart = "addProductRequest")
    public AddProductResponse addProduct(@RequestPayload AddProductRequest request) {
        AddProductResponse response= new AddProductResponse();
        ServiceStatus servicestatus=new ServiceStatus();
        Product product=new Product();
        servicestatus.setMessage("Content Added Successfully");
        return response;
    @PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URL, localPart = "getProductByIdRequest")
    public GetProductResponse GetProduct(@RequestPayload GetProductByIdRequest request) {
        GetProductResponse response=new GetProductResponse();
        ProductInfo productInfo=new ProductInfo();
        return response;


enter image description here

here is what I got in soapUi.

I do not have any idea what should I do to make it correct, I saw many questions regarding this problem but did not find any solution.

I also had the same issue. At that time I change the version of java to 1.8 in pom.xml file

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