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Biztalk Server 2020: Invalid Character found

When sending EDI INVOIC I receive the following error:

Uncaught exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has suspended an instance of service 'Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.BatchSuspendOrchestration.BatchElementSuspendService(52b477a6-f224-d7ee-a40d-92c8ad5f5544)'. The service instance will remain suspended until administratively resumed or terminated. If resumed the instance will continue from its last persisted state and may re-throw the same unexpected exception. InstanceId: 2194c57a-bdb1-4bb7-9c7b-9e6f884af3a2 Shape name: Throw that an error has occured ShapeId: 209c5624-f52a-404d-b44d-d8fb41b0fed4 Exception thrown from: segment 2, progress 33 Inner exception: The batch element is being suspended as it either failed schema validation or context properties are not matching batch definition. The error is: Stopping after the first error !!
Error: 1 (Field level error)
SegmentID: FTX
Position in TS: 5
Data Element ID: C10801
Position in Segment: 5
Position in Field: 1
Data Value: Bezüglich der späteren Entgeltminderung verweisen wir auf die

This happens only by two out three identities of the partner and only it the text contains umlauts. Only this partner has this problem, every other partner is not affected.

I've change everything, change encoding, ports, etc.

EDI Character Sets (Microsoft.com)

An EDIFACT-encoded interchange is self-describing in terms of its character set. The UNB1 data element is used. EDIFACT requires that tag names and separators/delimiters are ASCII types; as a result, locating UNB1 to apply the relevant code page for the remaining interchange is possible.

So check the UNB1, and I think you will find that it in probably UNOA or UNOB that don't support those characters. If it is, then your partner needs to update it at their end to have the correct character encoding set in the payload.

See also EDIFACT Encoding – EDI Character Set Support (Sandro Pereira's blog)

I ended up deleting the busines profiles and agreements, and recreating them with the same settings. That solved my problem but it would be good to know why it didn't work from the beginning.

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