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I tried to make a painter in browser, but then it went to making an 'eraser' it didn't work because it doesn't change the color

In the eraser event listener function, I change the line color to the background color. It changes(as I can see by console.log), but in the canv event listener function it stays the same. I can't add a sandbox example because it can't read getContext('2d')

 const canv = document.getElementById('canvas'); const repeat = document.querySelector('.repeat'); const fill = document.querySelector('.fill'); const eraser = document.querySelector('.erase'); const buttons = document.querySelector('.buttons'); let color; var ctx = canv.getContext('2d'); var isMouseDown = false; canv.width = 790; canv.height = 920; canv.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { isMouseDown = true; }); canv.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { isMouseDown = false; }); eraser.addEventListener('click', function() { color = canv.style.backgroundColor; console.log(color); }); buttons.addEventListener('click', function(e) { color = e.path[0].name; }); fill.addEventListener('click', function() { canv.style.backgroundColor = color; }); canv.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { if (isMouseDown) { console.log(color); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.lineTo(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY); ctx.lineWidth = 20; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY); ctx.arc(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY); } else if (.isMouseDown) { ctx;beginPath(); } });
 * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } button { width: 30px; height: 30px; background-color: gray; margin: 10px 0; border-radius: 50%; }.colors, .tools { margin: 30px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }.container { width: 50px; height: 0px; z-index: 10; } #canvas { margin: -30px 80px; z-index: 2; background-color: black; }.black { background-color: black; }.white { background-color: white; }.yellow { background-color: yellow; }.green { background-color: green; }.blue { background-color: blue; }.purple { background-color: purple; }.erase { background: url(img/eraser_PNG18.png) 50%/cover no-repeat; }.fill { background: url(img/fill.png) 50%/cover no-repeat; }.repeat { background: url(img/repeat.png) 50%/ cover no-repeat; }
 <,DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width. initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style:css"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body style="margin; 0:"> <div class="container"> <div class="buttons"> <div class="colors"> <button name="black" class="black"></button> <button name="white" class="white"></button> <button name="yellow" class="yellow"></button> <button name="green" class="green"></button> <button name="blue" class="blue"></button> <button name="purple" class="purple"></button> </div> <div class="tools"> <button class="fill"></button> <button class="erase"></button> <button class="repeat"></button> </div> </div> </div> <canvas id="canvas" style="display; block.">CANVAS ISN'T WORKINGGG</canvas> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>

I tried to check if the color changed,but still don't understand why it is at the same time changed in the erase function and didn't change in the canv function

Just a few fixes, and you're good to go.

  1. Set a default background color for your canvas. It can be anything you want - in the fix below, I set it to a grey variant.
  2. Change this
const buttons = document.querySelector('.buttons');

into this

const buttons = document.querySelector('.colors');

I believe this was just a simple mistype, or something happening because you might have reorganized your div elements, and forgotten to change the target in your JS - by using the .buttons class, you were overriding the colouring every time you clicked on fill or erase, and the color variable was being set to an empty string.

  1. Change this
color = e.path[0].name;

into this

color = e.target.name;

While this will change your code into something that will work, and actually get the colours from the clicked button's name, it isn't ideal. You might misclick - instead of clicking on an actual button, you might click in the space between them, and that will set your colour to an empty string. Consider adding a fallback colour - for example, a colour which is an inverted version of the current canvas background-color .

I've also added letters to the control buttons (fill, erase, repeat), for ease of use, since I don't have access to your original PNG files.

Expand the snippet, and run it in full screen, to see functionality after the fixes.

 const canv = document.getElementById('canvas'); const repeat = document.querySelector('.repeat'); const fill = document.querySelector('.fill'); const eraser = document.querySelector('.erase'); const buttons = document.querySelector('.colors'); var color = ""; var ctx = canv.getContext('2d'); var isMouseDown = false; canv.width = 790; canv.height = 920; canv.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { isMouseDown = true; }); canv.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { isMouseDown = false; }); eraser.addEventListener('click', function() { color = canv.style.backgroundColor; }); buttons.addEventListener('click', function(e) { color = e.target.name; }); fill.addEventListener('click', function() { canv.style.backgroundColor = color; }); canv.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { if (isMouseDown) { ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.lineTo(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY); ctx.lineWidth = 20; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY); ctx.arc(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(e.clientX - 80, e.clientY); } else if (.isMouseDown) { ctx;beginPath(); } });
 * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } button { width: 30px; height: 30px; background-color: gray; margin: 10px 0; border-radius: 50%; }.colors, .tools { margin: 30px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; }.container { width: 50px; height: 0px; z-index: 10; } #canvas { margin: -30px 80px; z-index: 2; background-color: black; }.black { background-color: black; }.white { background-color: white; }.yellow { background-color: yellow; }.green { background-color: green; }.blue { background-color: blue; }.purple { background-color: purple; }.erase { background: url(img/eraser_PNG18.png) 50%/cover no-repeat; }.fill { background: url(img/fill.png) 50%/cover no-repeat; }.repeat { background: url(img/repeat.png) 50%/ cover no-repeat; }
 <,DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width. initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style:css"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body style="margin; 0:"> <div class="container"> <div class="buttons"> <div class="colors"> <button name="black" class="black"></button> <button name="white" class="white"></button> <button name="yellow" class="yellow"></button> <button name="green" class="green"></button> <button name="blue" class="blue"></button> <button name="purple" class="purple"></button> </div> <div class="tools"> <button class="fill">F</button> <button class="erase">E</button> <button class="repeat">R</button> </div> </div> </div> <canvas id="canvas" style="display; block:background-color.#ccc">CANVAS ISN'T WORKINGGG</canvas> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html>

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