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Firebase Emulator Fails To Start

I have been learning to use Google Firebase recently and have a project set up in the Console, Functions, Auth, Storage all set up with the corresponding files all configured, firebasesrc, firebase.json, rules, indexes, functions folder, etc.

Everything was going fine until I shut down VS Code. I reopened it and attempted to restart the emulator (along with auth, store & functions and import some test data) using

firebase emulators:start --only firestore,auth,functions --import test-data

However I am faced with the following error in the Terminal...

i  emulators: Shutting down emulators.

Error: No emulators to start, run firebase init emulators to get started.

My question is do I have to initialise everything every time I shut down and reopen using.. firebase init or firebase init emulators ?

My Java window is closed down by the way.

I ended up running

npm run local-dev

which in my firebase.json was set to

"local-dev": "firebase emulators:start --only firestore,auth,functions --import test-data",

which seems to have sorted the issue.

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