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Streamlit app showing the result as NONE but in the terminal appears

I created an app using Streamlit. I am trying to display the result but it is displayed only in the terminal and the interface shows NONE. there are no errors shown, all works perfect. Here is my code:

import pickle
import numpy as np 
import streamlit as st


def prediction(input_data):
    input_data_numpy= np.asarray(input_data)
def main():
    st.title("Predict quantity")
    strain = st.radio("strain:",("cereal","sugar","salt"))
    plNr=st.slider('Number of plants:', 10, 2340, 25)
    result = ""
    if strain == "cereal":
        strain = 1
    elif strain == "sugar":
        strain = 2
        strain = 3
    if st.button("result"):
        result= prediction([strain,plNr])

if __name__ =="__main__":

(py108) C:\Users\s>streamlit run "C:\Users\prediction.py" You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.

Local URL: http://localhost:8501 Network URL:


My terminal shows the result: [[0.42784861]] but the interface shows like this: 没有价值但没有 Can anyone help me out please?

You didn't return anything from the prediction function, hence the None value.

I'd highly recommend you to use type hints, so that these errors are caught by the IDE.

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