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OPENXML. How to apply multiple paragraph properties in a single run

Is there any way to create the Paragraph, run it and apply multiple properties in a single statemement instead of creating 'RunProperties' and append the the styles on by one. In the example I am trying to add a second style - Font size like that but it doesn't work.

TableCell tc1_1 = new TableCell();

tc1_1.Append(new TableCellProperties(new TableCellWidth() { Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa, Width = "5500" }));

tc1_1.Append(new Paragraph(new Run(

    new Text("Test Company Name 123123123 123123"),

    new FontSize() { Val = "8" }


The issue is that you are creating invalid Open XML markup. For example, if you want to specify the font size for a specific run, this needs to be done by adding the FontSize instance to a RunProperties instance (ie, w:rPr element).

My general recommendation is to look at Open XML markup created by Microsoft Word for what you want to have in your document, eg, a table cell with some paragraphs and runs formatted in a certain way. You can then mimic in your code what Word has created.

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