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AWS Cloudformation - nested stacks - stack keeps failing deploy but not reason is given

I got a simple cloudformation stack made of only two nested stacks, one for the hosting and serving of a single page application web app and the other for the authentication logic (for now it only define a Cognito user pool resource).
The auth nested stack keeps failing during deployment, but I can't figure out why as not reasonable motivation is given by the command.

I still get the error even after manually deleting the entire stack hierarchy and creating a new one.

After the aborted operation I'm left with the main stack and two empty nested stacks, each one in the DELETE_COMPLETE status.

Running sam validate on the nested stack template gives no error:

> sam validate --template-file nested-stacks/auth.yaml 
2023-01-16 12:15:01 Loading policies from IAM...
2023-01-16 12:15:04 Finished loading policies from IAM.
/media/sgratani/Data/tests/AWS/serverless spa/aws_stack/nested-stacks/auth.yaml is a valid SAM Template

nested stack template

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'

Description: >
  - A Cognito user pool

Parameters: {}

    Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPool
            - Name: verified_email

        AllowAdminCreateUserOnly: true
          EmailMessage: Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.
          EmailSubject: Your temporary password
        UnusedAccountValidityDays: 30

      # AliasAttributes: 
      #   - String
      # AutoVerifiedAttributes: 
      #   - String
        EmailSendingAccount: COGNITO_DEFAULT
      MfaConfiguration: OFF
          MinimumLength: 8
          RequireLowercase: true
          RequireNumbers: true
          RequireSymbols: true
          RequireUppercase: true
          TemporaryPasswordValidityDays: 7
      # Schema: 
      #   - SchemaAttribute
      # UsernameAttributes: 
      #   - String
        CaseSensitive: true

        DefaultEmailOption: String
        EmailMessage: Your verification code is {####}.
        # EmailMessageByLink: String
        EmailSubject: Your verification code
        # EmailSubjectByLink: String

sam build output deployment section

Initiating deployment
File with same data already exists at 0320ec2e303c20d5454978a63234f9ed.template, skipping upload

Waiting for changeset to be created..
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                                LogicalResourceId                        ResourceType                             Replacement                            
+ Add                                    AppHosting                               AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               N/A                                    
+ Add                                    Auth                                     AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               N/A                                    

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:575288510223:changeSet/samcli-deploy1673867103/a08f41d4-6786-4039-8916-ab73a37a0d1e

2023-01-16 12:05:15 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 0.5 seconds)
ResourceStatus                           ResourceType                             LogicalResourceId                        ResourceStatusReason                   
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                       AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               Auth                                     -                                      
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                       AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               AppHosting                               -                                      
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                       AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               Auth                                     Resource creation Initiated            
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                       AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               AppHosting                               Resource creation Initiated            
CREATE_FAILED                            AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               Auth                                     Embedded stack                         
                                                                                                                           c56-0a7beb596806 was not successfully  
                                                                                                                           created: The following resource(s)     
                                                                                                                           failed to create: [UserPool].          
CREATE_FAILED                            AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               AppHosting                               Resource creation cancelled            
ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS                     AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               test-spa                                 The following resource(s) failed to    
                                                                                                                           create: [Auth, AppHosting]. Rollback   
                                                                                                                           requested by user.                     
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS                       AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               AppHosting                               -                                      
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS                       AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               Auth                                     -                                      
DELETE_COMPLETE                          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               Auth                                     -                                      
DELETE_COMPLETE                          AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               AppHosting                               -                                      
ROLLBACK_COMPLETE                        AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               test-spa                                 -                                      
Error: Failed to create/update the stack: test-spa, Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state: For expression "Stacks[].StackStatus" we matched expected path: "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE" at least once

final nested stacks


Ok, the nested stack template actually had a few errors in it, a test deployment on its own pointed them out as being the main stack lead to a more clear output from sam deploy command.

BTW, don't understand why sam validate didn't alert me, since one of the errors were actually a value type error, eg 'Integer' string instead of an actual integer (copy/paste from docs without updating, my fault).

This had me thinking: what do actually sam validate validates?

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