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What is the difference between "quasar dev" and "quasar dev #"

Completely new to Quasar and following a video tutorial. The tutorial tells me to use "quasar dev" but that doesn't work. The info in the text from the "quasar create" tells me to use "quasar dev #" (which does work). What is the difference? What does the # mean?

I don't know why it does it, but I have found how to switch it off.

In the quasar.config.js file, remove the following lines of code from the build: section:

  target: {
    browser: [ 'es2019', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari13.1' ],
    node: 'node16'

This code is put there by the create process and I suspect it being there provides some functionality which I am not currently using as a complete beginner.

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