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How to use ConversationBot from @microosft/teamsfx and EventHandler from botbuiler in the microsoft team app

I am developing an app using teamsfx toolkit and I have two important use case.

Need to send notifications to particular users via API I also need to send a welcome message to newly installed users. I am using ConversationBot from @microosft/temasfx library to set adapter config and send notifications to users using API/notification URL like

const bot = new ConversationBot({
  // The bot id and password to create BotFrameworkAdapter.
  adapterConfig: {
    appId: config.botId,
    appPassword: config.botPassword,
 // and when the server.post api use this to send notification
 for (const target of await Mybot.notification.installations()) {

I also need to extend an EventHandler class to override

this.onMembersAdded(async (context, next) => {() 

method to send a welcome message. But I am unable to like these two classes in the same app.

I have

const bot = new ConversationBot

Like I also have

class WelcomeBot extends ActivityHandler
this.onMemebersAdded(){//sending welcome message}

So the question is how to link both in the same bot app so that I can send a welcome Message using EventHandler and send Notifications via ConversationBot?

If your app is created via Teams Toolkit, probably you have following code (normally in index.js|ts ):

server.post("/api/messages", async (req, res) => {
  await bot.requestHandler(req, res);

Here bot is a ConversationBot . To integrate your WelcomeBot with ConversationBot , please change the code await bot.requestHandler(req, res); to await bot.adapter.processActivity(req, res, (context) => welcomeBot.run(context));

The full code may look like:

/// init somewhere
const bot = new ConversationBot...
const welcomeBot = new WelcomeBot...

/// The "/api/messages" handler
server.post("/api/messages", async (req, res) => {
  await bot.adapter.processActivity(req, res, (context) => welcomeBot.run(context));

The details behind are - All bot operations depend on Adapter . The ConversationBot provides a helper method requestHandler to simplify the code. But if you'd like to add your own bot logic to the Adapter , you need to explicitly get Adapter via ConversationBot.adapter , then add your own logic.

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