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Accessing state in widget and making class immutable

I need to expose a couple of functions of a Stateful Widget. Since these functions depend on the state of the widget, I created a variable to store the state. However, I am getting a compile time warning:

This class (or a class that this class inherits from) is marked as '@immutable', but one or more of its instance fields aren't final.

My Code:

class ItemWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  final Record record;
  final Function additem;
  final Function removeItem;
  var state;
  ItemWidget(this.record, this.additem, this.removeItem);

  _ItemWidgetState createState() {
    return this.state = new _ItemWidgetState();

  // These are public functions which I need to expose.
  bool isValid() => state.validate();
  void validate() => state.validate();

Is there a better way /correct way of achieving this?


You should write the function on state, and access it via GlobalKey.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ItemWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  final Record record;
  final Function additem;
  final Function removeItem;
  const ItemWidget(
    Key? key,
  ) : super(key: key);

  ItemWidgetState createState() => ItemWidgetState();

class ItemWidgetState extends State<ItemWidget> {
  bool isValid() {
    return true;

  void validate() {}

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    throw UnimplementedError();


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