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Mocking Azure ServiceBusClient dependency not working with AutoFixture.AutoMoq Freeze

The following class has a dependency on ServiceBusClient from the Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus NuGet package (for sending Azure Service Bus messages):

public class MyService {
    private readonly ServiceBusClient _serviceBusClient;

    public MyService(ServiceBusClient serviceBusClient) {
        _serviceBusClient = serviceBusClient;

    public async Task SendServiceBusMessageAsync() {
        var sender = _serviceBusClient.CreateSender("Topic_Name");
        // Send the message

When mocking the ServiceBusClient dependency using Moq as follows, it works as desired, and the call to CreateSender returns what was specified in the setup:

    var mockServiceBusClient = new Mock<ServiceBusClient>();
    mockServiceBusClient.Setup(s => s.CreateSender(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(new Mock<ServiceBusSender>().Object);

    var sut = new MyService(MockServiceBusClient.Object);
    await sut.SendServiceBusMessageAsync();

When attempting the same using AutoFixture.AutoMoq as shown below, the following error occurs: AutoFixture.ObjectCreationExceptionWithPath The connection string could not be parsed; either it was malformed or contains no well-known tokens.

    fixture = new Fixture();
    fixture.Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());

    var mockServiceBusClient = fixture.Freeze<Mock<ServiceBusClient>>();
    mockServiceBusClient.Setup(s => s.CreateSender(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(new Mock<ServiceBusSender>().Object);

    var sut = fixture.Create<MyService>();
    await sut.SendServiceBusMessageAsync();

Does anyone know how to get it to work with AutoFixture.AutoMoq?

I looked at ServiceBusClient, and I see that the parameterless constructor is protected, and the public constructor takes a connection string. I'm guessing AutoFixture.AutoMoq is using the latter, but as I understand it uses Moq. Why then does it work fine if done with Moq directly?

I think I'll just pull the method into another class and then inject and mock that, but it would be nice to understand why this is happening.

You could build one with OmitAutoProperties so it will not try to pass on a connection string:

var mockServiceBusClient = fixture.Build<Mock<ServiceBusClient>>().OmitAutoProperties().Create();

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