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make dyanmic scroll using "scrollIntoView" if I will using one class no problem but the problem with the dynamic class

// html

<div class="nav-bullets">
      <div class="bullet">
        <div class="tooltip" data-i=".about-us">About Us</div>
      <div class="bullet">
        <div class="tooltip" data-i=".skills">Our Skills</div>
      <div class="bullet">
        <div class="tooltip" data-i=".gallery">Our Gallery</div>
      <div class="bullet">
        <div class="tooltip" data-i=".timeline">TimeLine</div>

// javascript

using one class no promlem like this

// Select All Bullets
const allBullets = document.querySelectorAll(".nav-bullets .bullet");

allBullets.forEach(bullet => {
bullet.addEventListener("click" , (e) => {
      behavior: 'smooth'

// the problem

// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'scrollIntoView')     at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> 


// but if i will make the class dynamic not working like this

 allBullets.forEach(bullet => { bullet.addEventListener("click" , (e) => {     document.querySelector(e.target.dataset.i).scrollIntoView({       behavior: 'smooth'     });   }); });

You're attaching the event listener to the .bullet element, but it has no data-i attribute, you've added that to the child .tooltip :

<div class="bullet"> <-- event listener is here
  <div class="tooltip" data-i=".about-us"> <-- data attribute is here
    About Us

Which is why e.target.dataset.i is undefined and document.querySelector(undefined) doesn't match any element.

Move the data attribute to the .bullet .

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