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Write data from JSON file to Excel by python openpyxl

I have a json file with data that I would like to save to an xlsx file. I used the openpyxl library and stopped at the stage of creating a for loop to save each user in turn in a separate line and his data in separate cells.

json file:

"entries": [
        "attributes": {
            "cn": "Bruce Wayne",
            "displayName": "Batman",
            "distinguishedName": "CN=Bruce Wayne,OU=Users,OU=DC-COMICS,DC=universum,DC=local",
            "primaryGroupID": 513,
            "sAMAccountName": "batman",
            "sAMAccountType": 805306368,
            "userAccountControl": 514,
            "whenCreated": "2016-04-19 10:06:25+00:00"
        "dn": "CN=Bruce Wayne,OU=Users,OU=DC-COMICS,DC=universum,DC=local"
        "attributes": {
            "cn": "Clark Kent",
            "displayName": "Superman",
            "distinguishedName": "CN=Clark Kent,OU=Users,OU=DC-COMICS,DC=universum,DC=local",
            "primaryGroupID": 513,
            "sAMAccountName": "superman",
            "sAMAccountType": 805306368,
            "userAccountControl": 514,
            "whenCreated": "2016-04-19 10:06:25+00:00"
        "dn": "CN=Clark Kent,OU=Users,OU=DC-COMICS,DC=universum,DC=local"

My code:

import json
import configparser

### load main_config.ini file
main_config_file = './config/main_config.ini' # sciezka do pliku main_config.ini z 
main_config = configparser.RawConfigParser()

# from configs files
root_path = main_config['GLOBAL']['root_path']
json_dir = main_config['GLOBAL']['json_dir']
encoded_retrived_users_file = main_config['USERS']['encoded_users_file_name']

# load data from JSON file
encoded_retrived_users = './JSON/test.json'
#encoded_retrived_users = root_path + json_dir + encoded_retrived_users_file # sciezka 
do pliku encoded_users_from_LDAP.json
with open(encoded_retrived_users, 'r', encoding="UTF-8") as file:
    data = json.load(file)
    retrived_users = data['entries']


for user in retrived_users:
    no = str(i)
    attributes = user['attributes']
    cn = attributes['cn']
    sAMAccountName = attributes['sAMAccountName']
    i += i

    print("No:  " + no)
    print("cn:              " + cn)
    print("sAMAccountName:  " + sAMAccountName)

import openpyxl
from openpyxl import Workbook

wb = Workbook()

# Grab the active worksheet
ws_01 = wb.active

# Set the title of the worksheet
ws_01.title = "llogon>30d"

# Set first row
ws_01.cell(1, 1, "cn")
ws_01.cell(1, 2, "sAMA")

# Save it in an Excel file

What I would like to have:


By the time import openpyxl is called, retrived_users is an array of objects, not JSON. The same code that writes to the console can be used to write to an Excel file:

wb = Workbook()
ws_01 = wb.active
ws_01.title = "llogon>30d"

for user in retrived_users:
    no = str(i)
    attributes = user['attributes']
    cn = attributes['cn']
    sAMAccountName = attributes['sAMAccountName']

    ws_01.cell(i, 1, cn)
    ws_01.cell(i, 2, sAMAccountName)
    i += i

It's certainly possible to write more elegant code, but this should work

An option using :

import pandas as pd
import json

with open('test.json') as f:
    j = json.load(f)

df = pd.DataFrame({
    k:[i['attributes'][k] for i in j['entries']]
    for k in j['entries'][0]['attributes'].keys()
df.whenCreated = pd.to_datetime(df.whenCreated).dt.tz_localize(None)

创建的 Excel 工作表的屏幕截图

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