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How do I transfer my Solana token from Mainnet to Devnet?

I created my Solana token on Ubuntu. I now want to send my newly created token and some remaining SOL to my Phantom wallet De.net. How do I do that?

The short answer is you can't. Tokens only exist on the chain you crest them on. If you made them mai.net they can't be moved to de.net.

On de.net you can run

solana airdrop 1

From the solana cli to get sol and

spl-token transfer (amount) (token) (address)

To send from the cli

To build on gbachik's answer, Solana De.net and Solana Mai.net are two entirely separate chains. They both have the name "Solana" in them, but besides that, they are NOT connected.

They are two separate chains with different purposes.

Therefore, you can't transfer De.net tokens to Mai.net, just like you can't transfer ETH from Ethereum to Solana.

(You can't literally transfer ETH from Ethereum to Solana, but you can practically with Wormhole/bridging. But no one is going to build a Wormhole/bridge from De.net to Mai.net because they'd lose all of their money, as the value of SOL on De.net is $0.)

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