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Multiple "common functions" repeated in different razor component

I'm working on project who has a lot of common repeated functions in differents razor components doing same work. Like this.

    void TrySelect(clsCity item)
        _isOpen = false;
        SelectedText = item.Nombre;
        SelectedValue = item.ID;
        objSearchHotel.SearchObject = item;

example files

This function (and others) are used at least in 26 files. Im new into a pattern designs, it's possible to create a file as service and consume/inject that service with this "common functions" in every razor component that i need? Something like repository pattern?

i'm new on pattern designs, still learning and i can't understand at all

So, I would not suggest creating a base class and then inherit its funcionalities. If doing so, it should be an interface at least.

The best way to solve your issue from my point of view —- is to create a service too. You could create an app-scoped service that you can inject in any class you need.

  1. Create an interface for the service
  2. Create a service class inherited from the interface
  3. Register the service
  4. Inject it where you need
  5. No more duplication

Useful link with instructions

I hope it helps you!

I will try to give an example of how it works in the form of your own codes.
Firstly, you should create an interface as follows:

public interface IFoo
     public clsCity GetItem();

Now, you should create a service and inherit from above interface:

public class FooService:IFoo
    public clsCity GetItem()
      return clsCity;

You should register the interface and service in the startup as follows:


Finally, You can inject the FooService in any components as follows:

@inherits OwningComponentBase<IFoo>
<EditForm Model="clsCityModel">
  <InputSelect @bind-Value=clsCityModel.Id>
private IFoo fooService => Service;
private clsCity clsCityModel = new clsCity();
protected override void OnInitialized()
void TrySelect()
    _isOpen = false;
    clsCity clsCityModel = FooService.GetItem();               

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