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react-router-dom v6 upgrade

We're going through the process of updating various NPM packages and currently looking at react-router-dom v5 -> v6. The documentation is pretty good, but I cant see how to account for some changes in the Route component.

In v5 we had the following:

    render={({ match }) => {
      const breadcrumbs = [
        { text: 'Reviews' },
        { text: 'History', link: `/reviewer/${reviewsMenuPath}/history` },
        { key: match.params.acronym }];
      return (
          <ComponentOne title="Your completed reviews" />

but 'render' is no longer available in v6. I understand the requirement for Switch -> Routes and that I'll need to introduce element={} , but am unsure how to construct the breadcrumbs data so that its available for ComponentTwo ...would appreciate any suggestions and/or thoughts.

You can create a wrapper component that reads the path params.


import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

const Breadcrumb = ({ reviewsMenuPath }) => {
  const { acronym } = useParams();

  const breadcrumbs = [
    { text: 'Reviews' },
    { text: 'History', link: `/reviewer/${reviewsMenuPath}/history` },
    { key: match.params.acronym }

  return (
      <ComponentOne title="Your completed reviews" />
    element={<Breadcrumb reviewsMenuPath={reviewsMenuPath} />}

Another alternative is to move the useParams and const breadcrumbs logic into ComponentTwo . This is easy and trivial if ComponentTwo is already a React Function component. If it is a Class component then you'd need to either convert it to a Function component or create a custom withRouter Higher Order Component in order to access the acronym path parameter.

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