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Sort gcloud firestore operations by start time descending

I am trying to get the status of the latest firestore export via Gcloud CLI.

However, if I execute

gcloud firestore operations list --limit=5 --sort-by="~metadata.startTime"

the results are not sorted by the start time in descending order. If I add --format="value(metadata.startTime)" , I get the correct output


How can I achieve the results being sorted by the startTime in descending order?

At first glance it seems you are using the --sort-by flag incorrectly it should be used with [ ] as per the documentation .

The final command would be:

gcloud firestore operations list --limit=5 --sort-by=[~metadata.startTime] --format="value(metadata.startTime)"

This will list the last 5 operations and sort them by start time in descending order.

But when I tried with above command also it seems the issue is still there.I have raised this issue at with google.

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