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Eclipse shows no content assist context menu for HTML files but works fine for Java files

I use Eclipse 2022-12 with Windows 10 for a Spring Boot project with Maven.

The context menu for autocompletion (java template proposals / content assist) in the editor shows up perfectly fine in Java files (strg + space works too).

I have HTML files that open with the HTML-editor in Eclipse, and the syntax highlighting is fine. But the context menu for code suggestions (auto completion suggestion or html template proposals) simply does not show up, not even with strg+space.

How can I enable the popup for the auto suggestions in HTML files again?

For clarification: It does not show the context menu box at all. Other users had problems where there were no suggestions (template proposals) inside the context menu, but for me the popup does not show up at all for HTML files, but for Java files it works completely fine.

I already tried to change the settings for the html editor under Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Editor > Content Assist. Settings: "Automatically make suggestions" - activated "Auto activation delay" - 0 "Prompt when these characters are inserted" - "=<" The categories for HTML Tag proposals and all the other elements are all activated in booth "Default Proposal Categories" and "Content Assist Pages".

I also de- and reinstalled Eclipse Web Developer Tools and HTML Editor in the Marketplace.

I also opened a new dynamic web project without Maven or Spring Boot, here the HTML editor also does not show the content assist context menu.

I also created a new Workspace, same result.

Go to settings

⮑ Preferences
⮑ HTML Files
⮑ Editor
⮑ Content Assist

Then replace <= with;


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