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Is there a way to use this dropdown menu to assign a variable value - Jupyter notebook

from ipywidgets import widgets

options = ["1", "2","3"]
dropdown= widgets.Dropdown(options=options)

x = dropdown.value

Every time I run this the x variable is read at 1, even when I change the drop down in the notebook.

Just need the x variable to be the option that was selected in the drop down menu.


The value of x must be updated when the dropdown value is changed. Perhaps in your code, rather than using the variable x, simply use 'dropdown.value'. Otherwise, if storing in a variable is essential, an on_change function can be used.

from ipywidgets import widgets
options = ["1", "2","3"]
dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(options=options) 
def on_change(change):
    if change['type'] == 'change' and change['name'] == 'value':
        x = change['new']

This code causes the on_change function to be called each time the dropdown item is changed, causing the x variable to be updated.

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