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Is there dry_run functionality for APN?

While implementing notification sending functionality for android and ios, I ran into the issue where dry run is needed.

For FCM, this solved the problem but the issue still remains for APN. Is there the dry run functionality for APN?

You can try using validate_only in FCM v1 API.

clevertap library solved the issue.

The Content Available option with below value initialized did the work for me.

  • Key: content-available
  • Value: 1

The official documentation states as below:

Suppose you include the content-available key with a value of 1 to send out a silent notification to your users. In that case, it will not alert the user in any way (update badge count/play a sound/show a notification), but it will wake your app up in the background, allowing you to fetch new content and prepare it for the next time the user opens your app.

For more information, click here .

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