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Grafana, non-standard information in log

I got non-standard information in K8s/Grafana log (see grafana-usage-report):

{"err":"Post \"https://stats.grafana.org/grafana-usage-report\": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)", "logger":"metrics", "lvl":"error", "msg":"Failed to send usage stats", "t":"2022-09-30T14:20:48.829643536Z"} 
{"err":"Post \"https://stats.grafana.org/grafana-usage-report\": dial tcp i/o timeout (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)", "logger": "metrics", "lvl":"error","msg":"Failed to send usage stats", "t":"2022-10-01T14:20:53.032838369Z"} 
{"err":"Post \"https://stats.grafana.org/grafana-usage-report\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)","logger":"metrics","lvl":"error","msg":"Failed to send usage stats", "t":"2022-10-02T14:20:55.4582491Z"} 
{"err":"Post \"https://stats.grafana.org/grafana-usage-report\": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)", "logger":"metrics","lvl": "error", "msg":"Failed to send usage stats", "t":"2022-10-03T14:21:00.4734810072"}

I checked useful comments under this question and I saw:

  • focus on config
  • log level
  • but it can have relation to Loki

But it is without progress on my side, right now (logs seems fine, debug level also, probably issue with Loki). Did you catch similar issue? How do you block sending these statistics on grafana/loki side?

BTW: Block communication in.network level is easy, but I am looking for better/system solution?

I solved the issue based on these a few steps:

  • setup higher log detail
  • identify invalid content of grafana.ini file (based on coding, etc.)
  • finally I used reporting_enabled = false (it was the key point)

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