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Prisma update operation failing in validator; using generated `UncheckedUpdateInput` type instead of `UpdateInput` type

I'm trying to perform an update operation:

  const specialItem = await db.specialItem.update({ where: query, data: formattedUpdate })

The value formattedUpdate in that statement looks something like this:

  item_name: null,
  drink_type: 'Wine',
  price: 800,
  bar: {
    connect: {
      id: '4486bbc3-5ff8-47c8-99cf-9291c57ebe78'
  event: {
    connect: {
      id: undefined
  related_item: {
    connect: {
      id: undefined

This operation fails in the Prisma validator with the errors:

[1] Unknown arg `bar` in data.bar for type SpecialItemUncheckedUpdateInput. Did you mean `id`? Available args: ...
[1] Unknown arg `event` in data.event for type SpecialItemUncheckedUpdateInput. Did you mean `event_id`? Available args: ...
[1] Unknown arg `related_item` in data.related_item for type SpecialItemUncheckedUpdateInput. Did you mean `related_item_id`? Available args: ...

However those fields are most definitely in my schema:

model SpecialItem {
  id                  String      @id @default(dbgenerated("gen_random_uuid()")) @db.Uuid
  created_at          DateTime    @default(now()) @db.Timestamptz(3)
  event               Event?      @relation(fields: [event_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  event_id            String?     @db.Uuid
  bar                 Bar         @relation(fields: [bar_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  bar_id              String      @db.Uuid
  related_item_id     String?     @db.Uuid
  related_item        Item?       @relation(fields: [related_item_id], references: [id])
  is_recurring        Boolean     @default(false)
  is_inactive         Boolean     @default(false)

The available args the error suggests comes from the generated Prisma type ModelNameUncheckedUpdateInput , however I believe this operation would succeed if it were using the generated Prisma type ModelNameUpdateInput . The unchecked version uses IDs directly, where as the regular version uses the connect object pattern. I'd prefer using the latter. Why is Prisma expecting me to satisfy the unchecked version of the type? Can I force the validator to use the regular version?

Has anyone run into this before? I don't think it makes sense to break from the connect pattern I use elsewhere.

Using Prisma version 4.9.0.

I've tried searching, ChatGPT, the github, read the docs, and no cigar.

Could you modify your code to get this result:

  item_name: null,
  drink_type: 'Wine',
  price: 800,
  bar: {
    connect: {
      id: '4486bbc3-5ff8-47c8-99cf-9291c57ebe78'

I'm not sure, but look like Prisma will use Unchecked type if there are undefined in nested fields

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