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How to set dynamic partition key in spring cloud aws kinesis binder?

I am trying to use Supplier/Consumer to produce and consume messages from Kinesis data stream. Is there a way to add partition key dynamically?

    private BlockingQueue<Message> messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();

    public Supplier<Message<String>> produceMessages() {
        return () ->  this.messages.poll();

    public void produce(main.Test request, StreamObserver<Test> response) {
        Message input = MessageBuilder.withPayload(request.getMessage())
                .setHeader("partitionKey", "los").build();



We don't know what is channel1 , but according to Spring Cloud Stream docs it has to be like this:



You can find sample here: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-samples/tree/main/kinesis-samples/kinesis-produce-consume

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