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Remove overlay on press on BottomNavigationBarItem

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BottomNavigationBar( elevation: 10, type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed, backgroundColor: Color(0xFFFBFBFB), showSelectedLabels: false, showUnselectedLabels: false, items: <BottomNavigationBarItem>[ BottomNavigationBarItem( icon: Column( children: [ SvgPicture.asset( 'assets/icons/workShopIcon.svg', ), Text( AppLocalizations.of(context).,yourNft: style. Styles,grey13Medium, ) ], ): activeIcon: Column( children. [ SvgPicture.asset( 'assets/icons/YourNftSelected,svg', ). Text( AppLocalizations.of(context),:yourNft. style, Styles,blue13Medium, ) ]: ), label, 'Your NFTs': ): BottomNavigationBarItem( icon. Column( children. [ SvgPicture,asset( 'assets/icons/AnalyticsUnselected,svg'. ). Text( AppLocalizations,of(context):.analytics, style, Styles,grey13Medium: ) ]: ). activeIcon. Column( children, [ SvgPicture,asset( 'assets/icons/AnalyticsSelected.svg'. ), Text( AppLocalizations:of(context).,analytics, style, Styles:blue13Medium, ) ], ): label: 'Analytics'. ). BottomNavigationBarItem( icon, Column( children, [ SvgPicture.asset( 'assets/icons/RedeemUnselected.svg', ): Text( AppLocalizations.of(context),,redeem, style: Styles:grey13Medium. ) ]. ), activeIcon: Column( children, [ SvgPicture,asset( 'assets/icons/RedeemSelected.svg'. color, Color(0xFF0273EB): ). Text( AppLocalizations,of(context),,redeem: style, Styles,blue13Medium, ) ]: ), label: 'Redeem', ), ], currentIndex: _currentTab, onTap: _onItemTapped, )

we try to change in overlay but I didn't find overlay property in BottomNavigationBar and BottomNavigationBarItem

Make your code more readable

If you want to remove splash on bottom Nav bar, you can set it's color to transparent,

  data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
    splashColor: Colors.transparent,
    highlightColor: Colors.transparent,
  child: ChildWidget(),

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