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How do I import/use a generic overloaded operator function?

I have a Kotlin class which is the base for other classes, and want to define an operator times to be used with its derived classes.

In Base.kt

abstract class Base<Q : Base<Q>> internal constructor(open protected val rawValue: Long)
   : Comparable<Q> {

    // allows Q * Double
    operator fun times(factor: Double) = selfFactory(rawValue * factor) 
    // selfFactory instantiates an object of derived type Q

// Supposed to allow Double * Q
internal operator fun <Q : Base<Q>> Double.times(factor: Q) = factor * this  

In Derived.kt

data class Derived internal constructor(override val rawValue: Long) 
   : Base<Derived>(rawValue) {

In some other file

import com.mycompany.Derived

fun foo(d: Derived): Derived = 5.0 * d;  // doesn't find the operator

How can I import this generic operator to allow Double * Q ?

The operator is defined in Base.kt file.

So, assuming the base.kt file in located in the package com.mycompany you just need to import the operator times: com.mycompany.times

Make sure the operator function returns Q , not Base<Q> . Otherwise, at your use site in foo() , it will be trying to return Base<Derived> instead of Derived , which is not necessarily the same thing.

Maybe it already does, but I don't know what selfFactory() looks like.

It's good practice to be explicit about declaring return types of public functions, even if you're using the = notation.

If your use site is not in the same package you defined the extension function in, you need to import it. You can hover the cursor over the * inside foo() if you want the IDE to offer to add the import for you.

You marked it internal so it will not be visible in other modules.

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