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How to get message replies from Telegram groups by API - Python

I am trying to fetch the replies to the messages in a channel. For example: if my post has 60 replies ("discussion" as mentioned in the app) in channel X (let's say 1555671526), I need to fetch all those 60 reply messages along with the original post.

As of now I'm trying:

# using get_messages
channel_id = 1555671526 # it is sample channel (random)
message = client.get_messages(channel_id)
reply = message.get_reply_message()

# using iter_messages
for m in client.iter_messages(c):

I understand if there are no replies, get_reply_message will return None and it is returning None in both cases. However, I can see that there are replies to the post.

Can someone suggest to me how to fetch the reply messages?

Thanks in advance!

channel_id = 1555671526
replies = []
for message in client.iter_messages(channel_id):
    for reply in message.iter_replies():

You should also check whether the channel is public or private, as the bot must join private channels before it may fetch messages.

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