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Unable to add '[]' to @Query name. Tried multiple ways

I am using @nestjs/swagger for API documentation. I want my queryParam to be features[] and not features when swagger makes the request. Nest searches for @Query in route handlers and documents automatically.

The SwaggerModule searches for all @Body(), @Query(), and @Param() decorators in route handlers to generate the API document. It also creates corresponding model definitions by taking advantage of reflection. From: https://docs.nestjs.com/openapi/types-and-parameters

So if my variable name is features in code, documentation automatically picks that up. The request fails because features is not array for single element. If I try to separately add the param to swagger document using @ApiQuery , I have the option to name the param features[] but it shows up separately, and I am unable to remove the automatically added features param.

    summary: 'Get configs for user',

  //manually add param with [] in the name
    name: 'features[]',
    required: true,
    type: [String],

  async getUserConfigs(
    //automatic pickup from here
    @Query() queryParams: GetUserConfigQueryParamsDto,
  ) {

    return {
      success: true,
    } as ResponseBuilder;

This is how swagger looks with above code

I also tried to pass the name of the query as I want as a parameter in @Query.

    summary: 'Get configs for user',

  //manually add param with [] in the name
    name: 'features[]',
    required: true,
    type: [String],

  async getUserConfigs(
    //Added the desired name as a param
    @Query('features[]') queryParams: GetUserConfigQueryParamsDto,
  ) {

    return {
      success: true,
    } as ResponseBuilder;

This changes the name in swagger for sure. But when I execute the request in this case, the [ converts to %5B and %5D due to encoding. So the request fails.

I want only features[] and not both. But I can not remove @Query or add [] to the variable name. How do I get only features[] ?

Here is the GetUserConfigQueryParamsDto jic:

export class GetUserConfigQueryParamsDto {
  features: string[];

In GetUserConfigQueryParamsDto class in @ApiProperty() decorator above features add name like this @ApiProperty({ name: 'features[]'})

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