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Passing a PyScript variable from one HTML page to another

I am trying to use a variable which I created using PyScript on one page in another page. This post initially seems to propose a solution , but when importing the variables, it turns out that they have been stored using (what I assume to be) their __repr__() function. That is obviously problematic for, among others, Pandas objects.

Page 1:

    # Code that generates these objects is omitted

    js.localStorage.setItem("dtypes", dtypes)
    js.localStorage.setItem("df", df)
    js.localStorage.setItem("target", target)

Page 2:

    import js

    dtypes = js.localStorage.getItem("dtypes")
    df = js.localStorage.getItem("df")
    target = js.localStorage.getItem("target")

    js.console.log(dtypes) # Returns the stored dictionary as a string

Is there a way to retain these variables as Python objects?

It turns out that I misunderstood what setItem() and getItem() do. From the documentation , it follows that value must be a string (and otherwise will apparently be converted to a string representation).

Thus, my solution for storing Pandas DataFrames or Series is as follows, using to_csv without specifying the path_or_buf argument :

Page 1:

js.sessionStorage.setItem("df", df.to_csv()) 

Page 2:

df = js.sessionStorage.getItem("df")
df = io.StringIO(df)
df = pd.read_csv(df)

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