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Image Resizing/Scaling

trying to make a rock paper scissors and wanted to make a window, everything so far works except the size of the image, it's also not centered.

pygame.transform.scale = pygame.image.load('/Users/louistenant/Library/Mobile Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/Code_RPS/Rock.jpg' ),(10 , 5)

pygame.transform.scale = pygame.image.load('/Users/louistenant/Library/Mobile Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/Code_RPS/Paper.jpg' ),(10 , 5)

pygame.transform.scale = pygame.image.load('/Users/louistenant/Library/Mobile Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/Code_RPS/Scissors.jpg' ),(10 , 5)

I tried adding this but nothing changed(first image is code and the second one is the window.)



You are using the right functions, but the wrong syntax. Instead of

pygame.transform.scale = pygame.image.load('/Users/louistenant/Library/Mobile Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/Code_RPS/Rock.jpg' ),(10 , 5)


image = pygame.image.load('/Users/louistenant/Library/Mobile Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs/Code_RPS/Rock.jpg' )
image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (10 , 5))

As for not being centered, pygame draws from top left I believe, so you need to shift the position you specify accordingly.

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