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Conditionally rendering a React/Material UI className according to state variable

I am using React and Material UI to create a basic navbar setup, because React-Router-Dom does not want to work inside this project, and would be overkill for what I am doing. When I click the a button, it is setting the menuItems id as the value of the activeView. I am trying to conditionally change the className of the button to active (like this: className={classes.active} ), so I can access the Material UI styling class active. I tried a solution I found in another questions, but it does want to work for me. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Currently it does appear to be able to find the 'active' class, giving me this error "Cannot find name 'active'.ts(2304)". I even tried to create the className 2 different ways.

Material UI Class in NavBarStyling.tsx

nav: {
   <--removed, not relevant-->
    '& button.active': {
      color: '#dadad8',
      backgroundColor: 'blue',
  active: {
      color: '#dadad8',
      backgroundColor: 'blue',

Setting state in main App

const [activeView, setActiveView] = React.useState(1);


import { useNavStyles } from './NavBarStyling';

const classes = useNavStyles();

const NavBar = () => {
    <div className={classes.nav}>
      {menuItems.map((menuItems: { id: number; label: string; }) => (
        <Button key={menuItems.id} onClick={() => setActiveView(menuItems.id)}
            className={classes[`${activeView === menuItems.id ? active : ''}`]}

Here is your error className={classes[`${activeView === menuItems.id? active: ''}`]} className={classes[`${activeView === menuItems.id? active: ''}`]}

You need to return active as a string and not a variable

or like this


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