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.NET Graph SDK Count Sharepoint Online List Items

I'm trying to get a count of list items in a Sharepoint Online list but Graph throw an exception with the following message "invalidRequest - $count is not supported on this API. Only URLs returned by the API can be used to page."

It's not possible to do this operation with a sharepoint list?

public async Task<int> GetListItemsCountAsync(string siteId, string listId, List<QueryOption> queryOptions)     
    queryOptions ??= new List<QueryOption>();

    var countQueryOption = new QueryOption("count", "true");

    var listItems = await _graphService.Client

    return (listItems?.Count ?? 0);

Another option could be to get all the elements of the list and use the Count property of the resulting collection. But the performance of this approach seems worse.

At least $count and $filter (for some properties like id ) operator doesn't work for GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items .

As an alternative, you can select only id property to be returned. It will reduce the size of the response. Then use count on the resulting collection.

public async Task<int> GetListItemsCountAsync(string siteId, string listId, List<QueryOption> queryOptions)     
    queryOptions ??= new List<QueryOption>();

    var listItems = await _graphService.Client

    return (listItems?.Count ?? 0);

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