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How to a loop through an incoming multi-part formdata request array using Ruby on Rails?

I am receiving a formdata request that is an array of objects (object contains file data). The request leaving the browser looks like the below image


I understand why it is being read by rails as objects. An example of the parameters being received by rails is here.

 "about"=>"I am a job seeker",
       @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"qualification_ids[0][path]\"; filename=\"facebook.png\"\r\n" + "Content-Type: image/png\r\n",
     "name"=>"CSCS Green Labourer",

I would however like to loop through the qualification_ids as if they were an array.

What would be the best way to go about this?

You can use the each_value and each_key methods on Ruby hashes, depending on what you want to iterate through.

Here is an example of a much shorter form to illustrate the usage.

qualification_ids = {"0": {"id": "1"}}

qualification_ids.each_value{|value| puts value}
=> {:id=>"1"}

qualification_ids.each_key{|key| puts key}
=> 0

qualification_ids.each_value{|a| puts a[:id]}
=> 1

I hope this helps:-)

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