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Internal rewrite to remove directory from url with htaccess

I've searched and tried many tutorials and problem solutions but couldn't achieve what I want.

If user open domain.com/xxx.php he see the content of domain.com/hosting/xxx.php

This RewriteRule ^xxx.php$ /hosting/xxx.php

Works perfectly what i want to do, but there are over 150 pages in hosting directory and writing rules for each page does not seem right? any possible way to do it dynamically?

I tried this solution it works but it try to find those pages which are currently at root domain.com/xxx.php inside domain.com/hosting/

I search slimier questions have been asked many times before but non of the answer worked for me.

You need to also take care of reuests to the shortened, rewritten URL:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?hosting/(.*)$ /$1 [END,NC,R=302]
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ /hosting/$1 [END]

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