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TCL - index param on "image create" with multitiff wont do with Img 1.4.14

I'm currently using the Image Lib Img 1.4.14 which does anything I ever wanted from a graphics LIB:)

However, I encounter just one problem while using MultiTIFF images. It is no problem to display the first picture of that tiff, but whenever I want to access any following images in that tiff, I don't receive any usable response from it.

Just an example line like this produces no output:

image create photo imgTest -file $filename -index 1 


image create photo imgTest -file $filename 

always gives me the first image correctly.

I tried tons of different approaches in calling the subsequent pctures to no avail. Thus I still think that the Img Lib is totally capable of doing it, so the problem seems to be on my side. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.

Additionally tried: several different calls to the loading line, like:

image create photo imgTest -file $filename -format [-index 2]

To pass options to the image format handler, you need to use the -format option. But that's the name of the format, Well yes. the first word of it is. The subsequent words are the options, (If you don't pass options. you can rely on auto-detection:) That means you need something like this:

image create photo imgTest -file $filename -format [list tiff -index 2]

I'm not 100% sure that the name of the format handler is right; tiff is a guess.

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