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Java panacheQuery test throws nullpointer exception

I have a function that uses panacheQuery. This also works as intended when I test it manually. But when I write a test and execute it, I get a null pointer exception.

The test looks like this:

  void testFindByNameAndTag() throws ApplicationException {
    final ImageRepository repo = mock(ImageRepository.class);
    final PanacheQuery<ImageBE> panacheQuery = mock(PanacheQuery.class);

    when(repo.findByNameAndTag(anyString(), anyString())).thenCallRealMethod();
    when(repo.find(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(panacheQuery);
    when(panacheQuery.firstResultOptional()).thenReturn(Optional.of(new ImageBE()));

    final ImageBE result = repo.findByNameAndTag("name", "tag");

The findByNameAndTag function in the ImageRepository looks like this:

public class ImageRepository implements PanacheRepositoryBase<ImageBE, Long> {

  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ImageRepository.class);

  public ImageBE findByNameAndTag(String name, String tag) throws ApplicationException {
    return find("name = ?1 and tag = ?2", name, tag)
                    () ->
                            new ApplicationException(SOME_ERROR_CODE, SOME_ERROR_MESSAGE));


Output of the test:


The exception seems to be throwed at.firstResultOptional. Did I do something wrong with the mock or the when uses in the test?

Thanks in Advance.

Try to add a @QuarkusTest annotation above your test class

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