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Running Multiple Post Request in parallel from the same source

I have a rest api backend server (NodeJs/Typescript) to which I am making a post request which return me a response. The thing is that I am trying to use my frontend to make about 8 post request calls at the same time with the same data (weird, I know) but that is the requirement of the project.

Background: When I make one post call at the press of a button and then I refresh the page and press the button again. The backend runs both of those requests in parallel. This is what I want to do. So, I tried changing the front end code to make 5 post request at the call of the button but for some reason these request then get executed in sequence, meaning that I get one response and then the other request starts it execution as opposed to the page refers approach where they all start at the same time.

I want to do this because the server won't get any requests and with this approach I am hoping to get sone sort of parallelization from the node environment.

Each browser has a limit to the number or requests that can be fired on the same host - here . When the limit is reached the requests are queued.

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