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I have Syntax error: Unexpected keyword SET

Here is my code but I keep getting the error message Syntax error:

Unexpected keyword SET at [4:1]

SELECT start_station_id
FROM `cyclist-bike-share-success.Trip_data_2022_.April_2022`, 
UPDATE `cyclist-bike-share-success.Trip_data_2022_.April_2022`,
SET start_station_id='unknown',
WHERE start_station_id IS NULL

Any advice?

Try to read the documentation about how to write queries.

For your question, try to write like below:

SELECT start_station_id
FROM `cyclist-bike-share-success.Trip_data_2022_.April_2022`; 
UPDATE `cyclist-bike-share-success.Trip_data_2022_.April_2022`
SET start_station_id='unknown'
WHERE start_station_id IS NULL

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