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C# How to access properties with the same name on different objects, without reflection?

Let's say I have n objects:

class RedSubscriber {

String msisdn {get; set;}
String imsi {get; set;}
...other unique properties specific for RedSubscriber


class BlueSubscriber {

String msisdn {get; set;}
String imei {get; set;}
...other unique properties specific for BlueSubscriber


  class YellowSubscriber {
    String msisdn {get; set;}
    String iccid {get; set;}
    ...other unique properties specific for YellowSubscriber

And so on, for n objects.

Let's say I want to get the "String msisdn" value of any object, regardless of what color it is. I currently do it using Reflection:

public void getSubscriberMsisdn(Object subscriber){

 Type myType = subscriber.GetType();
  IList<PropertyInfo> props = new List<PropertyInfo>(myType.GetProperties());

            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in props)
                if (propertyInfo == null)

                var propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(subscriber);

                if (propertyValue == null)


                string msisdnValue = propertyValue.ToString();
                Debug.WriteLine("The msisdn is: " + msisdnValue);


As you can see the code "works", but is absolutely wasteful to call it everytime I need to retrieve some values. Is there a way to access a property (that always maintains the same name and type) that is placed inside different objects, without using the aforementioned reflection method? Any tip will be appreciated.

Yes. Create an interface:

public interface ISubscriber
    public string msisdn {get; set;};

Change your classes to implement the interface, eg:

public class RedSubscriber : ISubscriber
    string msisdn {get; set;}
    string imsi {get; set;}

Create a getSubscriberMsisdn() method that takes an ISubscriber :

public void getSubscriberMsisdn(ISubscriber subscriber)
    Debug.WriteLine("The msisdn is: " + subscriber.msisdn);

Don't use reflection for polymorphism. Interfaces is a language feature that directly supports polymorphism and supports strong typing at compile time.

In situations like this there are two standard options:

  1. Interface
  2. Inheritance

Where to use which not always clear and very often both approaches work.

I think inheritance could work here because your models have a very strong "IS-A" relationship. It could look something like this:

abstract record Subscriber
    public required string Msisdn { get; init; }

record RedSubscriber : Subscriber
    public required string Imsi { get; init; }

record BlueSubscriber : Subscriber
    public required string Imei { get; init; }

And then

void F(Subscriber s)


  1. I capitalised the names of properties, it's the C# way.
  2. I took advantage of 'required'+'init' properties to ensure they are never null
  3. I used records instead of classes because it seems like a good fit: simple classes with value - rather than reference - equality.
  4. You don't need to use records - just replace 'record' with 'class' in the code above.

BTW. You could remove some of the boiler plate code by using positional records with more concise syntax:

abstract record Subscriber(string Msisdn);

sealed record RedSubscriber(
    string Msisdn, 
    string Imsi)
    : Subscriber(Msisdn: Msisdn);

sealed record BlueSubscriber(
    string Msisdn, 
    string Imei)
    : Subscriber(Msisdn: Msisdn);

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