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Javascript IndexedDB example encountering transaction and db variable not defined

I'm learning javascript indexedDB and so, I followed an example from Javascript tutorial - https://www.javascripttutorial.net/web-apis/javascript-indexeddb/ .

I followed the example to understand how it works. Below are my codes.

        <title>Indexed Database</title>
               if (!window.indexedDB)  {
                   console.log("Your browser doesn't support IndexedDB");
                   const request = indexedDB.open("indexedDatabase", 3);
                   request.onerror = (event) => {
                       console.error ("Database error: ${event.target.errorCode}");
                   request.onsuccess = (event) => {
                       console.log("success: " + request);

                       insertContact(db, {
                           email: 'john.doe@outlook.com',
                           firstName: 'John',
                           lastName: 'Doe'

                       insertContact(db, {
                           email: 'jane.doe@gmail.com',
                           firstName: 'Jane',
                           lastName: 'Doe'

                   // create the Contacts object store and indexes
                   request.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
                       let db = event.target.result;

                       //create the Contacts object store 
                       //with auto-increment id
                       let store = db.createObjectStore('Contacts', {
                           autoIncrement: true

                       //create an index on the email property
                       let index = store.createIndex('email', 'email', {
                           unique: true

                   function insertContact(db, contact) {
                       //create a new transaction
                       const txn = db.transaction('Contacts','readwrite');

                       //get the Contacts object store
                       const store = txn.objectStore('Contacts');

                       let query = store.put(contact);

                       //handle success case
                       query.onsuccess = function (event) {

                       //handle the error case
                       query.onerror = function (event) {

                       //close the database once the transaction completes
                       txn.oncomplete = function () {

However, I encountered the following 2 errors which I have spent a lot of time to understand why.

Uncaught ReferenceError: txn is not defined at indexedStorage.html:53:47

Uncaught ReferenceError: db is not defined at request.onsuccess (indexedStorage.html:18:47)

Any help would be much appreciated.

I am following the example from the Javascript tutorial and were expected to insert the two records into the indexedDB.

You have two problems:

  • You placed the } ending the insertContact function too early. It needs to wrap the logic for inserting the contact

  • You close the database connection as soon as one transaction is done. This will make the second transaction fail - maybe not in this sample (because both transactions will be kicked off simultaneously) but it'll be a surprise if you ever do anything else with the code.

     function insertContact(db, contact) { //create a new transaction const txn = db.transaction('Contacts','readwrite'); // Moved the } from here... //get the Contacts object store const store = txn.objectStore('Contacts'); let query = store.put(contact); //handle success case query.onsuccess = function (event) { console.log(event); }; //handle the error case query.onerror = function (event) { console.log(event.target.errorCode); } //close the database once the transaction completes txn.oncomplete = function () { // You probably don't want to do this: // db.close(); }; } //...to here

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