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How to fix "Script @php artisan package:discover returned with error code 1" + "Class not found" without internet connection?

I am working on a legacy Laravel 6 app which is isolated from the rest of the system without inte.net connection, and when I try to run composer dump-autoload I get:

In ProviderRepository.php line 208: Class 'Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider' not found

Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

So I can't do what's described in this post: Laravel with App Engine Standard Class 'Facade\Ignition\IgnitionServiceProvider' not found

Update #1: I added the missing class to the dont-discover array in composer.json , then it showed another class missing, so I started adding them one-by-one. Apparently the following 3 packages are "missing" (even though their files are there):

"facade/ignition" , "laravel/ui" , "nunomaduro/collision" .

When added all these 3 to the dont-discover array, I was successfully able to run composer dump-autoload :

"extra": {
    "laravel": {
        "dont-discover": ["facade/ignition", "laravel/ui", "nunomaduro/collision"]

But still, I want to know if I can fix the issue with these 3 packages

Can I fix it without inte.net connection? Anything I can try to do manually?

Update #2:

I saw a comment on another post here suggesting moving the packages from require-dev to require . I did it, and it worked!


In the same post, someone suggested it might be related to a bug when updating from composer 1.x to 2.x:


But since I don't know exactly what happened here, which one of the above can be the cause? And, since the first solution solved it for me, is it safe to leave these 3 packages in require instead of require-dev ?

Try to refresh your Laravel project, like:

composer run refresh

But for that to work, you first need to implement refresh script in composer.json file, like:


    // ...

    "scripts": {
        "refresh": [
            "@composer dump-autoload --no-scripts",
            "@php artisan config:clear",
            "@composer run post-autoload-dump --verbose",
            "@php artisan cache:clear",
            "@php artisan clear-compiled",
            "@php artisan view:clear",
            "@php artisan route:clear"

        // ...


Also, as mentioned in comments, ensure important packages are in require section of composer.json (instead of require-dev ).

Only unit-test and/or lint purpose packages should be in require-dev .


Normally composer dump-autoload is enough, but sometimes post-autoload-dump uses cached class, hence php artisan config:clear needs to run first, but " config:clear " may crash if dump-autoload is not done yet.

Solution? Like above, use --no-scripts and trigger post-autoload-dump later manually;-)

(Well not "manually", I do it all automatically, but you get the idea.)

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