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Presto Hive SQL Error: mismatched input 'PARTITIONED'. Expecting: 'COMMENT', 'WITH', <EOF>

I am trying to create a Hive table with partitions but getting the above error. What am I doing wrong?

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema.table_name
    ID   varchar(20),
    name varchar(50)
PARTITIONED BY (part_dt varchar(8), system varchar(5));

The code works without the partitioning clause. Something gives up during partitioning.

Statement is working in hive. Pls find below screenshot. SC Its possible that some of column names are reserved keywords and that is throwing error. if yes, you can use below SQL too.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema.table_name
    `ID`   varchar(20),
    `name` varchar(50)
PARTITIONED BY (`part_dt` varchar(8), `system` varchar(5));

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