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How to find and update a document in MongoDB

I am having a similar collection

  collectionA: [
      "id": ObjectId("63b7c24c06ebe7a8fd11777b"),
      "uniqueRefId": "UUID-2023-0001",
      "products": [
          "productIndex": 1,
          "isProdApproved": false,
          "productCategory": ObjectId("63b7c24c06ebe7a8fd11777b"),
          "productOwners": [
              _id: ObjectId("63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781"),
              iApproved: false
              _id: ObjectId("63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117782"),
              iApproved: false
          "productIndex": 2,
          "isProdApproved": false,
          "productCategory": ObjectId("63b7c24c06ebe7a8fd11777b"),
          "productOwners": [
              _id: ObjectId("63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781"),
              iApproved: false
              _id: ObjectId("63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117783"),
              iApproved: false
          "productIndex": 3,
          "productCategory": "",
          "productOwners": ""

I want to find the productOwner whose _id is 63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781 in the productOwners and update the isApproved and isprodApproved to true . Other data will remain as it is.

I have tried this but it is only updating the first occurance

    _id: ObjectId('63b7c24c06ebe7a8fd11777b'),
    'products.productOwners._id': ObjectId('63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781'),
  { $set: { 'products.$.productOwners.$[x].isApproved': true } },
  { arrayFilters: [{ 'x._id': ObjectId('63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781') }] }

This one should work:

         $set: {
            products: {
               $map: {
                  input: "$products",
                  as: "product",
                  in: {
                     $cond: {
                        if: { $eq: [{ $type: "$$product.productOwners" }, "array"] },
                        then: {
                           $mergeObjects: [
                              { isProdApproved: { $in: [ObjectId("63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781"), "$$product.productOwners._id"] } },
                                 productOwners: {
                                    $map: {
                                       input: "$$product.productOwners",
                                       as: 'owner',
                                       in: {
                                          $mergeObjects: [
                                             { iApproved: { $eq: ["$$owner._id", ObjectId("63b7c2fd06ebe7a8fd117781")] } }
                        else: "$$product"

However, the data seem to be redundant. Better update only products.productOwners.iApproved and then derive products.isProdApproved from nested elements:

      $set: {
         products: {
            $map: {
               input: "$products",
               as: "product",
               in: {
                  $cond: {
                     if: { $eq: [{ $type: "$$product.productOwners" }, "array"] },
                     then: {
                        $mergeObjects: [
                           { isProdApproved: { $anyElementTrue: ["$$product.productOwners.iApproved"] } },
                     else: "$$product"

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