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Calling variables with f-string inside concat for loop

I am trying to combine dataframes using pd.concat .

I have 7 models, divided into 2 depending on year (2021 and 2022) so in total I have 14 dataframes each containing 4 columns. They can be created by the following command:

concat_list = ['expert_2021', 'expert_2022', 'forecast_168_2021', 'forecast_168_2022', 
               'forecast_24_2021', 'forecast_24_2022', 'forecast_custom_2021', 'forecast_custom_2022', 
               'forecast_lear_2021', 'forecast_lear_2022', 'forecast_standard_2021',
               'forecast_standard_2022', 'auto_2021', 'auto_2022'] 
n = 14
df_list = [pd.DataFrame({"Price_REG1":[], "Price_REG2":[], "Price_REG3":[], "Price_REG4":[]}) for x in range(n)]

for i, j in zip(concat_list, range(14)):
    locals()[i] = df_list[j]

Now, I want to combine these into 8 new dataframes, each representing 1 year and 1 column so 2 years * 4 columns = 8. I want to do this in a for loop. I am using f-strings to loop over the years and the columns to place the dataframes inside a list.

year_list = [2021, 2022]
prediction = []
for p in year_list:
    for j, s in zip(range(1,5), range(4)):
        a = pd.concat([f'forecast_24_{p}.Price_REG{j}', f'forecast_168_{p}.Price_REG{j}', 
                       f'forecast_standard_{p}.Price_REG{j}', f'forecast_custom_{p}.Price_REG{j}', 
                       f'expert_{p}.Price_REG{j}', f'forecast_lear_{p}.Price_REG{j}', 
                       f'auto_{p}.Price_REG{j}'], axis=1)

This gives me TypeError: cannot concatenate object of type '<class 'str'>'; only Series and DataFrame objs are valid TypeError: cannot concatenate object of type '<class 'str'>'; only Series and DataFrame objs are valid

So, I understand that the strings is the problem. But my question is if there is a way to make these strings to call the dataframes, or if there is some other alternative solution to this kind of problem?

Thank you.

You have to use globals() to get your dataframes:

year_list = [2021, 2022]
prediction = []
for p in year_list:
    for j, s in zip(range(1,5), range(4)):
        df_list2 = [globals()[f'{prefix}_{p}'][f'Price_REG{j}']
                        for prefix in ['forecast_24', 'forecast_168', 'forecast_standard', 
                                       'forecast_custom', 'expert', 'forecast_lear', 'auto']]
        a = pd.concat(df_list2, axis=1)

Note : you can't use locals() here because the scope is the list comprehension and you won't be able to access your dataframes.

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